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இன்றைய புனிதர்கள் பெயர்கள் ஒலிவடிவில் நமது youtube சேனலில்
இன்றைய புனிதர்கள் பெயர்கள் ஒலிவடிவில் நமது youtube சேனலில்

Saturday, June 29, 2024

June 30th : Second readingThe Lord Jesus became poor for your sake, to make you rich.A Reading from the Second Letter of St.Paul to the Corinthians 8: 7,9,13-15

June 30th :  Second reading

The Lord Jesus became poor for your sake, to make you rich.

A Reading from the Second Letter of St.Paul to the  Corinthians 8: 7,9,13-15 
You always have the most of everything – of faith, of eloquence, of understanding, of keenness for any cause, and the biggest share of our affection – so we expect you to put the most into this work of mercy too. Remember how generous the Lord Jesus was: he was rich, but he became poor for your sake, to make you rich out of his poverty. This does not mean that to give relief to others you ought to make things difficult for yourselves: it is a question of balancing what happens to be your surplus now against their present need, and one day they may have something to spare that will supply your own need. That is how we strike a balance: as scripture says: The man who gathered much had none too much, the man who gathered little did not go short.

The Word of the Lord.

Gospel Acclamation cf.Jn6:63,68

Alleluia, alleluia!

Your words are spirit, Lord, and they are life;
you have the message of eternal life.

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