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இன்றைய புனிதர்கள் பெயர்கள் ஒலிவடிவில் நமது youtube சேனலில்
இன்றைய புனிதர்கள் பெயர்கள் ஒலிவடிவில் நமது youtube சேனலில்

Saturday, July 6, 2024

July 7th : Second ReadingThe Lord's power is at its best in weakness.A Reading from the Second Letter of St.Paul to the Corinthians 12: 7-10

July 7th :  Second Reading

The Lord's power is at its best in weakness.

A Reading from the Second Letter of St.Paul to the  Corinthians 12: 7-10 
In view of the extraordinary nature of these revelations, to stop me from getting too proud I was given a thorn in the flesh, an angel of Satan to beat me and stop me from getting too proud! About this thing, I have pleaded with the Lord three times for it to leave me, but he has said, ‘My grace is enough for you: my power is at its best in weakness.’ So I shall be very happy to make my weaknesses my special boast so that the power of Christ may stay over me, and that is why I am quite content with my weaknesses, and with insults, hardships, persecutions, and the agonies I go through for Christ’s sake. For it is when I am weak that I am strong.

The Word of the Lord.

Gospel Acclamation Jn1:14,12

Alleluia, alleluia!

The Word was made flesh and lived among us:
to all who did accept him
he gave power to become children of God.

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