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இன்றைய புனிதர்கள் பெயர்கள் ஒலிவடிவில் நமது youtube சேனலில்
இன்றைய புனிதர்கள் பெயர்கள் ஒலிவடிவில் நமது youtube சேனலில்

Monday, August 12, 2024

August 13th : Responsorial PsalmPsalm 118(119):14,24,72,103,111,131 Your promise is sweet to my taste, O Lord.

August 13th : Responsorial Psalm

Psalm 118(119):14,24,72,103,111,131 

Your promise is sweet to my taste, O Lord.
I rejoiced to do your will
  as though all riches were mine.
Your will is my delight;
  your statutes are my counsellors.

Your promise is sweet to my taste, O Lord.

The law from your mouth means more to me
  than silver and gold.
Your promise is sweeter to my taste
  than honey in the mouth.

Your promise is sweet to my taste, O Lord.

Your will is my heritage for ever,
  the joy of my heart.
I open my mouth and I sigh
  as I yearn for your commands.

Your promise is sweet to my taste, O Lord.

Gospel Acclamation Mt11:25

Alleluia, alleluia!

Blessed are you, Father,
Lord of heaven and earth,
for revealing the mysteries of the kingdom
to mere children.

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