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இன்றைய புனிதர்கள் பெயர்கள் ஒலிவடிவில் நமது youtube சேனலில்
இன்றைய புனிதர்கள் பெயர்கள் ஒலிவடிவில் நமது youtube சேனலில்

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

WEDNESDAY APRIL 7, 2021 📖GOSPEL He made himself known by them at the breaking of the bread A Reading From The Holy Gospel According To Luke (24, 13-35)



He made himself known by them at the breaking of the bread 

A Reading From The Holy Gospel According To Luke (24, 13-35) 
On the same day (that is, the first day of the week), two disciples were on their way to a village called Emmaus, a two hour walk from Jerusalem, and they were talking to each other about everything that had happened. .
Now, while they were talking and wondering, Jesus himself came near, and he was walking with them. But their eyes were prevented from recognizing him. Jesus said to them, “What are you discussing as you walk? So they stopped, all sad. One of the two, named Cleophas, replied: “You are indeed the only foreigner residing in Jerusalem who is unaware of the events of these days. He said to them: "What events? They answered him, "What happened to Jesus of Nazareth, that man who was a powerful prophet in his deeds and words before God and before all the people: how the high priests and our rulers delivered him up, they l 'sentenced to death and crucified him. We were hoping that he was going to deliver Israel. But with all this, this is already the third day that has passed since it happened. In fact, some women in our group amazed us. When, at dawn, they went to the tomb, they did not find his body; they came to tell us that they even had a vision: angels, who said he is alive. Some of our companions went to the tomb, and they found things as the women said; but he, they did not see him. He then said to them: "Minds without intelligence!" How slow your heart is to believe everything the prophets have said! Was it not necessary for Christ to suffer this in order to enter into his glory? And, starting from Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them, in all the Scriptures, what concerned him. When, at dawn, they went to the tomb, they did not find his body; they came to tell us that they even had a vision: angels, who said he is alive. Some of our companions went to the tomb, and they found things as the women said; but he, they did not see him. He then said to them: "Minds without intelligence!" How slow your heart is to believe everything the prophets have said! Was it not necessary for Christ to suffer this in order to enter into his glory? And, starting from Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them, in all the Scriptures, what concerned him. When, at dawn, they went to the tomb, they did not find his body; they came to tell us that they even had a vision: angels, who said he is alive. Some of our companions went to the tomb, and they found things as the women said; but he, they did not see him. He then said to them: "Minds without intelligence!" How slow your heart is to believe everything the prophets have said! Was it not necessary for Christ to suffer this in order to enter into his glory? And, starting from Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them, in all the Scriptures, what concerned him. Some of our companions went to the tomb, and they found things as the women said; but he, they did not see him. He then said to them: "Minds without intelligence!" How slow your heart is to believe everything the prophets have said! Was it not necessary for Christ to suffer this in order to enter into his glory? And, starting from Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them, in all the Scriptures, what concerned him. Some of our companions went to the tomb, and they found things as the women said; but he, they did not see him. He then said to them: "Minds without intelligence!" How slow your heart is to believe everything the prophets have said! Was it not necessary for Christ to suffer this in order to enter into his glory? And, starting from Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them, in all the Scriptures, what concerned him.
When they approached the village they were going to, Jesus pretended to go further. But they tried to hold him back: "Stay with us, for evening is approaching and the day is already falling." So he went in to stay with them.
When he was at table with them, having taken the bread, he pronounced the blessing and, having broken it, he gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him, but he disappeared from their sight. They said to each other, "Was not our hearts burning within us as he spoke to us on the road and opened the scriptures to us?" Immediately they got up and returned to Jerusalem. There they found the eleven Apostles and their companions gathered together, who said to them: “The Lord is truly risen: he has appeared to Simon Peter. In their turn, they recounted what had happened on the road, and how the Lord had made himself known by them at the breaking of bread. 

The Gospel of the Lord.

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