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இன்றைய புனிதர்கள் பெயர்கள் ஒலிவடிவில் நமது youtube சேனலில்
இன்றைய புனிதர்கள் பெயர்கள் ஒலிவடிவில் நமது youtube சேனலில்

Friday, June 7, 2024

June 8th : Responsorial Psalm1 Samuel 2:1,4-My heart exults in the Lord my Saviour.

June 8th :  Responsorial Psalm

1 Samuel 2:1,4-

My heart exults in the Lord my Saviour.
My heart exults in the Lord.
  I find my strength in my God;
my mouth laughs at my enemies
  as I rejoice in your saving help.

My heart exults in the Lord my Saviour.

The bows of the mighty are broken,
  but the weak are clothed with strength.
Those with plenty must labour for bread,
  but the hungry need work no more.
The childless wife has children now
  but the fruitful wife bears no more.

My heart exults in the Lord my Saviour.

It is the Lord who gives life and death,
  he brings men to the grave and back;
it is the Lord who gives poverty and riches.
  He brings men low and raises them on high.

My heart exults in the Lord my Saviour.

He lifts up the lowly from the dust,
  from the dungheap he raises the poor
to set him in the company of princes
  to give him a glorious throne.
For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s,
  on them he has set the world.

My heart exults in the Lord my Saviour.

Gospel Acclamation cf.Lk2:19

Alleluia, alleluia!

Blessed is the Virgin Mary,
who treasured the word of God
and pondered it in her heart.

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