FRIDAY MAY 14, 2021
"The lot fell on Matthias, who was therefore associated by suffrage with the eleven Apostles"
A Reading from the book of Acts of the Apostles (1, 15-17.20-26)
In those days Peter stood up among the brethren who were gathered in number of about one hundred and twenty people, and he declared: “Brethren, the Scripture must be fulfilled. In fact, through the mouth of David, the Holy Spirit had spoken in advance of Judas, who came to serve as a guide for the people who arrested Jesus: this Judas was one of us and had received his share of our ministry. It is written in the book of Psalms: Let his domain become a wilderness, and let no one dwell there, and again, Let another take his charge. Now, there are men who have accompanied us throughout the time that the Lord Jesus lived among us, from the beginning, during the baptism given by John, until the day when he was taken up from us. One of them must therefore become, with us, a witness of his resurrection. Two of them were introduced: Joseph called Barsabbas, then nicknamed Justus, and Matthias. Then we said this prayer: "You, Lord, who know all hearts, designate which of the two you have chosen so that it takes, in the apostolic ministry, the place which Judas deserted by going to the place which is now. hers. Lot was drawn between them, and the lot fell on Matthias, who was therefore associated by suffrage with the eleven Apostles.
The Word of the Lord.
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